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Eyes squeezing,strangulation

Mystical thriller

Shooting in the stomach



Strangulation and head shot

Various murders


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  • Blue On Blue
  • The Pa
  • An Affair With A
  • Dead In Bed
  • Agents Failure
  • Cute Granny
  • Dead In Bed 2
  • Dead In The Office
  • Nurse Nadia
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    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.

    Most Recent VICTIMIZATION PRODUCTION Videos! more
     THE PA
    12 minutes

      THE PA - THE P.A.


 I can say Wow!  make that double-Wow!  The Camera really does love you! I can't believe you've never acted before as you seem a genuine natural. 
Please also thank everyone else who took part, especially behind the camera doing some very realistic make0up!  Also the lighting in this was superb,  excellent idea to have some of the lights periodically switching on and off (as though they were faulty), it just added to the spooky atmosphere which should really put the viewer on edge.  Also it was superbly photographed as well,  lots of different and slightly unusual camera angles which again added to the uneasy air and rising tension.
Thank you, thank you thank you all again!  I really do love this!  I would say that this is even better than 'Nurse Nadia', and that is saying something.  Like I said, please consider acting again in front of the camera as you are very, very good and expressive, you genuinely do look completely and utterly emotionally battered and exhausted by the end of it as you were forced outside of your comfort zone and had to fend for your life. Thank you again!
Client's feedback

Starring: Julia Woolf, Vita Grimes, Lara.

Fetish elements:
Realistic blood, agents in black dresses, high heels, eyes squeezing, head shot, strangulation, girls fighting, dead bodies from different angles.


2 beautiful agents are sent to the next task - to eliminate the personal Secretary of the big boss. The forces are unequal - 2 girls against one. It will be a hot battle! Who will win?

The quality of the film is high 

You may also be interested: NURSE NADIA; BLUE ON BLUE  DEAD IN BED 2
    4 minutes

      DEAD IN BED 2 - When the police arrived it was too late - they were dead...
    16 minutes

      NURSE NADIA - Client's feedback
Just been downloading it and watching it off :-)  It's very good, great fun.   Please thank Sly Fox (?) who plays the part of the really evil psycho killer so well,  he really does seem like a dangerous stalker-killer who has literallyw alked off a TV drama or B-movie.  And I love his accent/voice over - a blend of Russian and sleazy American, which actually adds to his character in a way.
Elerikh is also very good, she has to die in a whole variety of different ways through the movie,  four completely different times in about 10/12 minutes - I think that must be a record!

This is a short film with an exciting plot and an interesting ending! It's in ENGLISH except for the last scene!
Four different murders (strangulation with a chain, strangulation with a bag, shot, stabbing in the stomach). Lots of blood, nice victim's acting, different musical accompaniment. 
I wonder if anyone will guess what this story will end up with? 
This movie is worth watching!  An affair with a secretary
    6 minutes

      An affair with a secretary - The boss decides to relax with his cute Secretary after a long working day at the office. Everything starts out quite romantic and sexy, but the boss is too persistent and even cruel. The Secretary is going to be strangled with a whip!
     Dead in the office
    7 minutes

      Dead in the office - This scene is based on an episode of Alfred Hitchcock's great Thriller Frenzy (1972). A cute woman was strangled with a tie in her office by a obsessed maniac!  Chasing Serial killer
    12 minutes

      Chasing Serial killer - Methods of killing:
Lots of blood, realistic blood, beautiful girl, stabbing in the stomach
Story Prologue.
Beautiful Agent just move to big town, she take serial killer case, she is very smart and brave but she doesn't know what she face. The victim is always woman and the killer never leaving any single trace, after few week searching the cop only find body piece of missing woman. With the help of her friend cop who is her childhood friend of her that have crush on her, they try to resolve and find the killer. 
After work on this case about 5 month, with her intelligence and hardwork she finally find the clue, another girl is missing, she send message to her friend where the location and she rush  alone into the location that she suspect as killer place. 
She arrive at the place, she hold the gun, she find the door is not locked, carefuly enter the room,  after checking she find the room is empty, but the killer Chloroform her from behind, remove her jacket, watching her, touch her beauty face, hold her long hair, smell it and touching her sexy curved abs.
She wakes up, as she move to the door, the killer suddenly appear in front of her, stab her upper stomach. He continues stabbed her at same position multiple time, deeply and twisting as she react in pain but helpless lean and hold the killer arm, she struggle but he stronger, he cornering her to the wall. She keeps press the blade hard to add immense pain to her, while she keep try to hold his hand prevent from stab, but useless.
He pull out the blade and move away, she sliding down the wall clutching on her stomach, crawling in pain try to reach her gun, but interrupt by the killer, kick her stomach. The killer kneeling above her stab her deeply and twisting, she react in pain but helpless. She tries to hold the killer hand from prevent him stab more deeply but she can\'t. She gasping in pain while blade still stuck at her upper stomach. He comes and lies down on her side, enjoy stab her more deeply and twisting. She looks very painful with immense pain, she try to hold his hand and struggle but she is too weak, after she weaken he start to choke her but he hear police siren, and he stopps.
Then the killer pull her to stand up and brutally stab very hard her at same position of wound, as she react in pain with her both hand hold the killer hand as he insert the knife brutal and hard dan deeply, exactly like in the clip. The killer run away as she slowly fall to her knee (vomit/ blood comes out from her mouth) and fall lying on the floor writhing in pain, vomit blood.
Her cop friend coming and find her lying on the floor clutching on her stomach writhing in pain, dying, moans, he quickly come to check her condition. As he move her hand slighlty check how bad her wound, he see that is fatal blood, and she lost much blood. He looks very worried as he loves her. He places her both hands to keep cover and press the wound to prevent blood loss. She tries to calm him with weak voice, she said its too late (her wound getting worse), hard breathe. Now he use his hand cover and press her wound but blood can’t stop. She said its okay with weak and pain voice. In the end he put her head lean on him to make her comfortable while checking how bad her wound. After some sad dialogue she finally dies on his arms. He looks very sad and angry, hug her and arm carry her leaving the place.
     Agents failure
    13 minutes

      Agents failure - Methods of killing:
- Murder with a gun (3 shots)
Plot of the script
The girl is an agent who has just finished the big job that will allow her to have a long vacation from her agency. Removing her clothes, posing at the mirror, after taking a bath and putting on a silk robe over her naked and bare footed body, she will be surprised to see her ex-lover who is also a hitman. She will initially try to act stupid, thinking he is here for some fun as she acts seductive to him. 
But the hitman is serious as he is going to get the important files she stole. Now our girl will subtly try to reach for her gun hidden in a drawer, opening her robe to reveal her breasts and womanhood, even playing with them to tempt him. They will then engage in some flirty talk before she takes out her gun and is about to fire, only for the hitman to be faster and fire a bullet below her belly button. She will stumble back and look at her wound with pain, only to raise her pistol and try fire again. 
But the hitman fires another bullet, this time hitting her left breast, right at the nipple. 
The female agent coughs blood. The hitman presses on her breast wound which will make the female agent answer where the important files are. As he looks through them, he will admit some regret to seeing her just to take her out, even recounting how they once wanted to get married. 
She tries to tempt him to save her. But the hitman then got the agency’s base address from her. Before saying the address the female agent hesitates, prompting the hitman to press his pistol onto her womanhood to show he isn’t playing games. She slowly answers in pain as blood starts to come out of her mouth again. Getting weaker, she asks him to take her to a doctor. The hitman says no as it\'s too late. He comes to her and gives her a kiss, but while they kiss, he fires his pistol one last time at her right breast before leaving. 
Now alone again, the female agent struggles to call for help. Getting her phone, she falls back onto the bed and calls her agency, telling them that she was ambushed and got shot. But after the call ends and she struggles to endure, the fellow agent arrives too late and can only cradle her as she slowly dies.  Blue on Blue
    11 minutes

      Blue on Blue - Anna's getting home after a very busy and tiring day at the office, she looks exhausted. She comes into the living room. 
There she sees the Hitperson who is sitting in an armchair. In one hand he is clutching a silenced gun which he is pointing directly at her.
Anna starts to scream, her eyes widening with fear and her hands darting to her throat, but the Hitperson waves his gun slightly to signal her to be silent, so all that comes out is a muffled frightened gulp of air.
Anna has backed into a corner of the room, shivering with fright. After a few moments she realises he is serious and starts to unbutton her blouse with trembling fingers.
She eventually manages to undo it and get it off. The hitperson motions with his weapon for her to take off her skirt as well. Underneath she is wearing some surprisingly sexy lingerie. 
It is clear that she expects to be raped. However, the hitperson gets up slowly, silently, like some lethal cobra, and approaches her, then orders her to turn around slowly.
Anna's frightened eyes never leave his face.
He starts asking her about the important files she stole from the office where she works.
Anna is either a brilliant actress or she hasn’t the foggiest idea what he is talking about. She shudders, horrified and bewildered both at the same time. She has no idea what kind of files he talks about.
The hitman sees that she is showing signs of panic and is only one step away from screaming. So he hits her hard on the side of the head with the butt of his gun. She loses consciousness.
Bathroom now. Anna\'s sitting slumped on a stool in the bathroom, still in her beautiful underwear with her hands now tied behind her back. Opposite her, next to the head of the bath which he has busily been filling up almost to the brim, is the hitperson.
Anna’s lips move slightly but no sounds issue forth. She is openly crying now. It is still quite obvious that she hash't a clue what he means.
Hitperson smiles thinly: “I am going to take your head and hold it under the water for a good five minutes,” he explains coldly. 
Anna stops crying now, in greater fear than ever, as the enormity of what he has just said sinks in. She tries to say something but her face is completely frozen with fear and trepidation.
Hitperson goes over to Anna, grabs her and forces her to stand and then he forces her to kneel by the side, her head over the lip, and then he slowly and deliberately forces her face and head under the surface of the water.
Anna, paralysed by fear no longer, starts to kick and squirm, but the Hitperson is a professional and he holds her easily through it all. And he still continues to hold her head and face under the water. There are a good few minutes of Anna’s stocking-clad legs as they go through a whole series of kicks and struggles.
After a few minutes Anna is noticeably getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly her body gives a bit of a jerk and gasp – it’s obvious that she could fight the urge no longer and has breathed in. The hitperson though was expecting this, and holds her through the gagging reflexes and spasms, however these spasms and twitches get weaker and weaker and her legs stop their gyrating.
Soon after, the lovely Ms Anna’s body goes completely still and limp. Still holding her head under the water, the hitperson feels for a pulse in her neck, it’s obvious that one is still there, and he continues to hold her head under until he is certain that her heart has stopped beating.
     Dead in bed
    4 minutes

      Dead in bed - This custom was based on the script of the final episode of the great British thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock 'Frenzy' (1972).
The woman has been strangled with a red necktie that is still around her throat. It is knotted tightly at the front of her throat. Her eyes are wide open and staring, her tongue is protruding from her mouth, her breasts are bare. You will see the body from different angles.  The aggression
    7 minutes

      The aggression - Methods of killing:
Victim 1 - neck curling during the massage
Victim 2 - drowning asleep in a bubble bath
Victim 3 - accidental unintentional strangling on the stairs.
Two young sexy ladies come to visit a shy guy Plato. They are all students.
The doorbell ring. Plato opens. The guys cheerfully greet each other. The guy offers the girls to have a drink. They all go into the kitchen.
The girls start joking and laughing at the poor guy. Plato stiffens. One of the ladies defuses the situation with an offer of a drink. Everyone is checking out, drinking. Music plays, one of the girls starts dancing slowly, seducing Plato. He is shy, they see it - and again they laugh at him. He starts getting angry with them as they laugh at him. But he doesnt show his aggression yet. He just pretends to be good now.
In a couple of minutes Alexandra leaves her friends with the intention of taking a bath. It starts getting sexy hot there..
Plato leads a little after the first glass, because he does not drink alcohol in real life. His head is spinning...
...Irina now is erotically sitting on the bed gently asking the guy to give her a soft massage. Plato silently proceeds to action! He is now angry with her for laughing at him. He takes the gun and points it at her mouth. She starts to panic. He aggressively takes her head and quicky wrings her neck.
Then Plato goes to the bathroom. He comes in and slowly drowns the other pretty girl when she was relaxing while taking a bath..
Next, Plato begins to get rid of evidence: he takes one of the girls and puts her dead body in a black bag and drags it to the balcony. His intention is to throw the body away from the balcony. He gets out of his apartment. He is about to go down the stairs now, but suddenly his pretty neighbour Maria is going down the stairs in sexy tracksuit. She looks very attractive and happy. She smiles sweetly, says hello to Plato.
At this point (what a bad luck!) the victim's hand falls out of the black bag! Maria looks at it. She is shocked now! She is staring at him, her face is full of fear. The whole range of emotions from surprise and terrible fear to shock are on her face... She backs away from the murderer very slowly.
But in a couple of seconds the hitman jumps to her very quickly and starts strangling her with his strong hands.
After completing the murder of a neighbor, he wakes up in a daze, again from the loud laughter of the girls! He hears loud laughter of the girls with mockery, haughty.
It was just a dream, and he fell asleep drunk in the middle of a party! 
Since now he is not that poor shy guy as he was before. He now knows how to act. He is suddenly transformed, imperiously and aggressively offers one of the girls to give her a massage...

     Dead in the office
    7 minutes
      Dead in the office - This scene is based on an episode of Alfred Hitchcock's great Thriller Frenzy (1972). A cute woman was strangled with a tie in her office by a obsessed maniac!  Cute granny
    12 minutes
      Cute granny - 2 sexy young tourists come to spend the night for free in the apartment which was found on the Internet. A cute old lady meets them at the door and welcomes them. Girls come into living room.
The old lady explains them she has the only one condition: tourists can stay for free only if the they beat her in a game of cards 3 times...
The game starts. The old lady loses twice. She gets nervous and angry with them. The girls try to calm her down. The old lady goes to the bathroom for a while. 
In some time she appears in the doorway at the entrance to the room with the gun pointed at the girls. In the guise of a man! (In the bathroom, in front of the mirror, the 'lady' takes off her wig, smooths her hair, wipes her lipstick from her lips, changes her skirt to jeans and becomes what 'she' really is - a bloodthirsty maniac-killer). He looks mad, angry from losing at cards.
The girls start screaming! They grab each other with their hands as they are in shock. Lily begins to cry.
'No one dares to beat me, bitches!' - 'the old lady' says.
The tourists start rushing around, but they can't do anything because they are being watched by the muzzle of a gun. Their faces are full of terrible fear.
The killer offers the girls to play for the third time, but not in cards now. It is going to be a game of survival! So he puts the gun, the knife, and the keys to the front door in the middle of the table. The girls now have a task to try to survive anyhow. It is up to them to decide which of them (Lily or Maria) will survive. 
The gun is on the table, Maria runs up to it, takes it and turns the gun to the maniac. Lily is in panic. She cries and asks her friend not to kill him. Maria suddenly turns the gun on her friend in panic. Both are hysterical! The 'grandmother', continuing to aim at the Maria, calmly watching the scene.
Suddenly, Maria, having made, as she thinks, the right decision, takes a shot at the 'old lady'. But the gun wasn't loaded!
Aggressive hitman makes Maria a shot in the stomach. The victim slowly falls to her knees, blood from the mouth! 
Lily rushes to her friend, weeps beside her, sitting on her knees, and looks fearfully at the hitman. They now look at each other-the victim looks at the killer directly in the eyes. The maniac looks authoritatively at the victim, who is sitting on her knees. He then comes to Maria and makes her the second shot, in her forehead now. The girl is dead. Her friend Lily tries to free herself, succeeds, somehow reaches the table, grabs the knife and the keys, and tries to get to the front door. On the way, she manages to wound the maniac in the forearm with a knife. She is close to the front door now! Suddenly the hitman takes Lily aggressively, fix her hands and legs with a rope tightly and puts her on the chair. She screams, panics, tries to free herself. The hitman, saying the phrase "No one dares to beat me", kills Lily with the knife in her head.
     The death jackpot
    9 minutes
      The death jackpot - Methods of killing:
1 - murder with a gun
2 - hand strangling
3 - murder with a suitcase
Two men in business suits hurriedly walk out of the building. One of them has a suitcase in his hand. They head toward the parking lot, glancing around nervously. They notice a blond young girl walking to her car. One of the men confidently jerks open the car door (the girl is sitting and chatting on the phone). He abruptly grabs Mila and pulls her out of the car. A girl with a shock expression falls to the ground. Two of them get in the car and hit the gas. They're driving with their robbed big money to their girfriends who are waiting them in an apartment.
...Olga is standing in front of the mirror, putting on here lingerie. She is then putting on her sexy shoes.
Her friend Anna is serving some drinks. They flirt with each other and wait for their boyfriends to come with big money!
The guys finally come. They have a plan how to spend all the money.
In a while Olga and Martin go to another room as he wants to get sexy relaxing massage from her. Anna and Jack are kissing on the sofa. They're drinking Martini and he is feeding her some snacks.
Suddenly Jack tells Anna about a secret conspiracy against them. He explains he has a plan to avoid it and divide the money. Then he orders her to change her clothes and stay where she is. He leaves.
In a couple of minutes he slowly opens the door to the room where Olga and Martin're relaxing. One shot and a bullet wound formed in the temple. Martin instantly dies.
It's time to kill Olga now.
She screams hysterically. Jack runs up to her, grabs her by the hair and throws her on the bed next to Artem. He begins to strangle with a hand. In a minute she loses consciousness and he leaves. He thinks she's already dead. But no! Suddenly, as he leaves, he hears her wheezing, returns to her, and with even greater force strangles her to death with both hands. She slowly dies..
...Jack and Anna are running with the suitcase full of money in a forest now. A conflict breaks out between them. Anna asks him to let her go or she goes to the police. She knew nothing about his bloody plan! Jack starts going really mad and aggressive. She makes him angry. Finally he decides to kill here with the suitcase. He hits her many times until she dies. Her face is bloody know. He then opens the suitcase and pours money out of it on her!
She wanted a jackpot - she got it.  Blue on Blue
    11 minutes
      Blue on Blue - Anna's getting home after a very busy and tiring day at the office, she looks exhausted. She comes into the living room. 
There she sees the Hitperson who is sitting in an armchair. In one hand he is clutching a silenced gun which he is pointing directly at her.
Anna starts to scream, her eyes widening with fear and her hands darting to her throat, but the Hitperson waves his gun slightly to signal her to be silent, so all that comes out is a muffled frightened gulp of air.
Anna has backed into a corner of the room, shivering with fright. After a few moments she realises he is serious and starts to unbutton her blouse with trembling fingers.
She eventually manages to undo it and get it off. The hitperson motions with his weapon for her to take off her skirt as well. Underneath she is wearing some surprisingly sexy lingerie. 
It is clear that she expects to be raped. However, the hitperson gets up slowly, silently, like some lethal cobra, and approaches her, then orders her to turn around slowly.
Anna's frightened eyes never leave his face.
He starts asking her about the important files she stole from the office where she works.
Anna is either a brilliant actress or she hasn’t the foggiest idea what he is talking about. She shudders, horrified and bewildered both at the same time. She has no idea what kind of files he talks about.
The hitman sees that she is showing signs of panic and is only one step away from screaming. So he hits her hard on the side of the head with the butt of his gun. She loses consciousness.
Bathroom now. Anna\'s sitting slumped on a stool in the bathroom, still in her beautiful underwear with her hands now tied behind her back. Opposite her, next to the head of the bath which he has busily been filling up almost to the brim, is the hitperson.
Anna’s lips move slightly but no sounds issue forth. She is openly crying now. It is still quite obvious that she hash't a clue what he means.
Hitperson smiles thinly: “I am going to take your head and hold it under the water for a good five minutes,” he explains coldly. 
Anna stops crying now, in greater fear than ever, as the enormity of what he has just said sinks in. She tries to say something but her face is completely frozen with fear and trepidation.
Hitperson goes over to Anna, grabs her and forces her to stand and then he forces her to kneel by the side, her head over the lip, and then he slowly and deliberately forces her face and head under the surface of the water.
Anna, paralysed by fear no longer, starts to kick and squirm, but the Hitperson is a professional and he holds her easily through it all. And he still continues to hold her head and face under the water. There are a good few minutes of Anna’s stocking-clad legs as they go through a whole series of kicks and struggles.
After a few minutes Anna is noticeably getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly her body gives a bit of a jerk and gasp – it’s obvious that she could fight the urge no longer and has breathed in. The hitperson though was expecting this, and holds her through the gagging reflexes and spasms, however these spasms and twitches get weaker and weaker and her legs stop their gyrating.
Soon after, the lovely Ms Anna’s body goes completely still and limp. Still holding her head under the water, the hitperson feels for a pulse in her neck, it’s obvious that one is still there, and he continues to hold her head under until he is certain that her heart has stopped beating.
     Chasing Serial killer
    12 minutes
      Chasing Serial killer - Methods of killing:
Lots of blood, realistic blood, beautiful girl, stabbing in the stomach
Story Prologue.
Beautiful Agent just move to big town, she take serial killer case, she is very smart and brave but she doesn't know what she face. The victim is always woman and the killer never leaving any single trace, after few week searching the cop only find body piece of missing woman. With the help of her friend cop who is her childhood friend of her that have crush on her, they try to resolve and find the killer. 
After work on this case about 5 month, with her intelligence and hardwork she finally find the clue, another girl is missing, she send message to her friend where the location and she rush  alone into the location that she suspect as killer place. 
She arrive at the place, she hold the gun, she find the door is not locked, carefuly enter the room,  after checking she find the room is empty, but the killer Chloroform her from behind, remove her jacket, watching her, touch her beauty face, hold her long hair, smell it and touching her sexy curved abs.
She wakes up, as she move to the door, the killer suddenly appear in front of her, stab her upper stomach. He continues stabbed her at same position multiple time, deeply and twisting as she react in pain but helpless lean and hold the killer arm, she struggle but he stronger, he cornering her to the wall. She keeps press the blade hard to add immense pain to her, while she keep try to hold his hand prevent from stab, but useless.
He pull out the blade and move away, she sliding down the wall clutching on her stomach, crawling in pain try to reach her gun, but interrupt by the killer, kick her stomach. The killer kneeling above her stab her deeply and twisting, she react in pain but helpless. She tries to hold the killer hand from prevent him stab more deeply but she can\'t. She gasping in pain while blade still stuck at her upper stomach. He comes and lies down on her side, enjoy stab her more deeply and twisting. She looks very painful with immense pain, she try to hold his hand and struggle but she is too weak, after she weaken he start to choke her but he hear police siren, and he stopps.
Then the killer pull her to stand up and brutally stab very hard her at same position of wound, as she react in pain with her both hand hold the killer hand as he insert the knife brutal and hard dan deeply, exactly like in the clip. The killer run away as she slowly fall to her knee (vomit/ blood comes out from her mouth) and fall lying on the floor writhing in pain, vomit blood.
Her cop friend coming and find her lying on the floor clutching on her stomach writhing in pain, dying, moans, he quickly come to check her condition. As he move her hand slighlty check how bad her wound, he see that is fatal blood, and she lost much blood. He looks very worried as he loves her. He places her both hands to keep cover and press the wound to prevent blood loss. She tries to calm him with weak voice, she said its too late (her wound getting worse), hard breathe. Now he use his hand cover and press her wound but blood can’t stop. She said its okay with weak and pain voice. In the end he put her head lean on him to make her comfortable while checking how bad her wound. After some sad dialogue she finally dies on his arms. He looks very sad and angry, hug her and arm carry her leaving the place.  NURSE NADIA
    16 minutes
      NURSE NADIA - Client's feedback
Just been downloading it and watching it off :-)  It's very good, great fun.   Please thank Sly Fox (?) who plays the part of the really evil psycho killer so well,  he really does seem like a dangerous stalker-killer who has literallyw alked off a TV drama or B-movie.  And I love his accent/voice over - a blend of Russian and sleazy American, which actually adds to his character in a way.
Elerikh is also very good, she has to die in a whole variety of different ways through the movie,  four completely different times in about 10/12 minutes - I think that must be a record!

This is a short film with an exciting plot and an interesting ending! It's in ENGLISH except for the last scene!
Four different murders (strangulation with a chain, strangulation with a bag, shot, stabbing in the stomach). Lots of blood, nice victim's acting, different musical accompaniment. 
I wonder if anyone will guess what this story will end up with? 
This movie is worth watching!

    Hi guys! Our production makes films in the following genres horror with fetish elements, erotic thrillers, art house, mystery, detective stories. We also make films based on scripts send to us by our clients! Unity, professionalism and the desire to be better allows us to do our work honestly, quickly and efficiently. We produce high-quality films and believe our customers should get maximum pleasure from watching our movies not only on all kinds of gadgets and computers, but also on large widescreen TV screens such as Ultra-HD up to floodlight screens! Without any blurring or loss of quality! Please do not deprive yourself of pleasure, just download the movie to a USB flash drive, insert it into your TV and enjoy watching a real quality video.

    Featuring 14 Clips / 125 minutes of video!

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      THE PA

    THE PA

    0.00022 BTC

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      DEAD IN BED 2


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      An affair with a secretary

    An affair with a secretary

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      Dead in the office

    Dead in the office

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      Chasing Serial killer

    Chasing Serial killer

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      Agents failure

    Agents failure

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      Blue on Blue

    Blue on Blue

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      Dead in bed

    Dead in bed

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      The aggression

    The aggression

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      The death jackpot

    The death jackpot

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      Cute granny

    Cute granny

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      The devils voice

    The devils voice

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      The prelude

    The prelude

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