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Birthday Torment

Cinco de Electro

Daylight Savings Torture

Malice Sin's BBQ

MaliceSin Puts Male Slave Thru T

MaliceSin Returns

Malicesin-Fetish Dolly Torture T

Malicesin/Lady Akasha Slave Tort

Progressive Punishment

Staci's Furry

Sub Zero BDSM Romp

Tool Box Torture


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  • Malicesinfetish
  • Malicesinfetish
  • Malicesins Bbq Pt 1
  • Sub Zero Bdsm Romp
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    All content on this site is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.

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     Stacis Furry Pt 2
    12 minutes

      Stacis Furry Pt 2 - Part 1 and 2 are packed full of ball busting and cbt with high doses of whipping and nipple ******* mixed in. In part two the nipple torment is agony and staci grabs his cock and balls with her bare hands and twists!  Stacis Furry Pt 1
    12 minutes

      Stacis Furry Pt 1 - Part 1 and 2 are packed full of ball busting and cbt with high doses of whipping and nipple ******* mixed in. In part two the nipple torment is agony and staci grabs his cock and balls with her bare hands and twists!
     Malicesin Returns Part Two The Needles
    20 minutes

      Malicesin Returns Part Two The Needles - In part two malicesin puts needles in his cock and nipples! Will she shove a needle into his cock head? The whipping continues with the needles embedded in his 'business" and cock ******* abound!  Malicesin Returns Part One The Whipping
    9 minutes

      Malicesin Returns Part One The Whipping - Malicesin is back and king of suspension is in her sights. Part one is sure to please with lots of whipping. Check out her use of the electric cord! And things really heat up when she lights up his ass!
     Birthday Torment Seg 1
    8 minutes

      Birthday Torment Seg 1 - It's king of suspension's birthday and what better reason for a hard core s&m romp! And the sexy redheaded malicesin is up to the task! Lots of flogging and electric cattle prod torment not to mention fire play, cbt punishment and the hot curling iron...At one point clamped to his tormented cock! Malicesin shows kos her goods to try and ease his suffering..At least a little bit......Part one starts with hot wax, lit matches licking his nipples..And then malicesin kneels before her subjject so the flame can lick his cock then uses a pair of heavy plyers to twist and torment his cock!  Birthday Torment Seg 2
    8 minutes

      Birthday Torment Seg 2 - It's king of suspension's birthday and what better reason for a hard core s&m romp! And the sexy redheaded malicesin is up to the task! Lots of flogging and electric cattle prod torment not to mention fire play, cbt punishment and the hot curling iron...At one point clamped to his tormented cock! Malicesin shows kos her goods to try and ease his suffering..At least a little bit...In part 2 malicesin introduces the high voltage cattle prod, plyers on the nipples, steel tip whip and more!
     Birthday Torment Seg 3
    7 minutes

      Birthday Torment Seg 3 - It's king of suspension's birthday and what better reason for a hard core s&m romp! And the sexy redheaded malicesin is up to the task! Lots of flogging and electric cattle prod torment not to mention fire play, cbt punishment and the hot curling iron...At one point clamped to his tormented cock! Malicesin shows kos her goods to try and ease his suffering..At least a little bit...In segment 3 there is more electrical, whipping and heavy cbt  Birthday Torment Seg 4
    8 minutes

      Birthday Torment Seg 4 - It's king of suspension's birthday and what better reason for a hard core s&m romp! And the sexy redheaded malicesin is up to the task! Lots of flogging and electric cattle prod torment. Not to mention fire play cbt punishment and the hot curling iron...At one point clamped to his tormented cock! Malicesin shows kos her goods to try and ease his suffering..At least a little bit...Segment 4 continues w/ whipping, cbt, flame licking sensitive places and malicesin rewarding kos w/ a visual of her goods!
     Birthday Torment Seg 5
    10 minutes

      Birthday Torment Seg 5 - It's king of suspension's birthday and what better reason for a hard core s&m romp! And the sexy redheaded malicesin is up to the task! Lots of flogging and electric cattle prod torment. Not to mention fire play cbt punishment and the hot curling iron...At one point clamped to his tormented cock! Malicesin shows kos her goods to try and ease his suffering..At least a little bit...Part five is much more torment now w/ a hot curling iron! Malicesin shows kos her pussy near the end and all is good!  Tool Box Pt 1
    5 minutes

      Tool Box  Pt 1 - Tool box ******* starring malicesin and featuring mistress merlot and king of suspension pt 1 

malicesin and mistress merlot take king of suspension deep into the world of pain! This session is filled with torment including whips, cattle prod, fire, curling iron...And tools including tongs, dikes and pipe wrench. Witness real nipple *******, cbt and more! See malicesin and mistress merlot whip off the clamps! In part 1 kos is bound to a chair with a wooden dowl holding him in place. Malicesin and mistress merlot ******* him with fire, electricity, plyers, the whip and more. King of suspension escapes his bondage at the end of this clip...How dearly will he pay?

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     Birthday Torment Seg 5
    10 minutes
      Birthday Torment Seg 5 - It's king of suspension's birthday and what better reason for a hard core s&m romp! And the sexy redheaded malicesin is up to the task! Lots of flogging and electric cattle prod torment. Not to mention fire play cbt punishment and the hot curling iron...At one point clamped to his tormented cock! Malicesin shows kos her goods to try and ease his suffering..At least a little bit...Part five is much more torment now w/ a hot curling iron! Malicesin shows kos her pussy near the end and all is good!  Malicesinlady Akasha Slave Punishment Seg 2
    15 minutes
      Malicesinlady Akasha Slave Punishment Seg 2 - Malice sin and lady akasha put king of suspension through the paces on march 6 2010. See malice sin's use of matches and cigarette torment. Suspension scene on last segment is wonderfully cruel!
     Malicesin Puts Male Slave Thru The Ringer Seg 1
    6 minutes
      Malicesin Puts Male Slave Thru The Ringer Seg 1 - In this full 5 part series malicesin tortures her male slave with whips, weights tied to his balls, suspension and alot of electricity!! Did we mention electricity? :-) In segment one king of suspension undergoes spread eagle rough rope bondage, *******, cbt, ball busting and whipping.  Daylight Savings Pt 1
    16 minutes
      Daylight Savings  Pt 1 - Malicesin and king of suspension get together for a hard bdsm session on march 12, 2012. Kos is suspended, shocked, w/ clips, plyers and matches and needles stuck in his balls
     Progressive Punishment Seg 1
    8 minutes
      Progressive Punishment Seg 1 - Mistress sirepth and king of suspension star in this 4 part session. Progressive punishment has very creative bondage including this kneelin bondage scene.  Progressive Punishment Seg 4
    3 minutes
      Progressive Punishment Seg 4 - Mistress sirepth has king of suspension **** spread eagle and drawn taut!

    Welcome to Hard BDSM Files
    This studio features Denver Colorado’s Hottest Mistress MaliceSin and her slave King of Suspension.

    Featuring 49 Clips / 488 minutes of video!

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      Stacis Furry Pt 2

    Stacis Furry Pt 2

    0.00022 BTC

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      Stacis Furry Pt 1

    Stacis Furry Pt 1

    0.00022 BTC

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      Malicesin Returns Part Two The Needles

    Malicesin Returns Part Two The Needles

    0.00037 BTC

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      Malicesin Returns Part One The Whipping

    Malicesin Returns Part One The Whipping

    0.00017 BTC

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      Birthday Torment Seg 1

    Birthday Torment Seg 1

    0.00017 BTC

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      Birthday Torment Seg 2

    Birthday Torment Seg 2

    0.00017 BTC

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      Birthday Torment Seg 3

    Birthday Torment Seg 3

    0.00015 BTC

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      Birthday Torment Seg 4

    Birthday Torment Seg 4

    0.00017 BTC

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      Birthday Torment Seg 5

    Birthday Torment Seg 5

    0.0002 BTC

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      Tool Box Pt 1

    Tool Box  Pt 1

    0.00012 BTC

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      Tool Box Pt 2

    Tool Box  Pt 2

    0.00032 BTC

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      Tool Box Pt 3

    Tool Box  Pt 3

    0.00022 BTC

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      Tool Box Pt 4

    Tool Box  Pt 4

    0.0002 BTC

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      Malicesinlady Akasha Slave Punishment Seg 1

    Malicesinlady Akasha Slave Punishment Seg 1

    0.00042 BTC

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      Malicesinlady Akasha Slave Punishment Seg 2

    Malicesinlady Akasha Slave Punishment Seg 2

    0.00029 BTC

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