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Abused shoes


Bondage gagging





Dirty feet

Financial domination

Foot fetish

Foot humiliation


housecleaning \ casalinghe


Nose Blow and sneeze

Nose Pinching

nylon encasement

Shoe play

Smothering / hand over mouth



Wet look and messy

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  • I Hate This
  • My Feet On The
  • Ballerinas
  • Across The Road On
  • Al Mio Servizio
  • Amatorial Dangling
  • Barefoot Massage
  • Encasement Soap
  • Gisy Cruhing
  • I Destroyed This
  • My Favorite Fetish
  • My Self Bondage
  • Sniff Collant
  • Tu Sei Qui Per
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  • Water Bootle Crush
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    All content on this site is Role Playing Fantasy only.
    All content is consensual and is acted out by models of legal age.

    Most Recent Gisy Italian foot fetish model studio Videos! more
     Unimpiegata Irriverente An Irreverent Employee
    13 minutes

      Unimpiegata Irriverente   An Irreverent   Employee - Ivi è la nuova segretaria che deve sostituire quella prima licenziata per negligenza, ma farò presto a conoscere elly la collega che ha un vizietto, va pazza per il solletico e da subito approfittando dell'assenza della capa ne approfitta per farselo fare dalla novellina che subito si rifiuta, ma poi cede per non sembrare scortese, ma quando meno se lo aspettano ecco rientrare la capa, che essendo a conoscenza della debolezza di elly la rimprovera e la punisce difronte la collega, le ordina di spogliarsi e di adorarle I piedi, ma questa non pare affatto  offesa, anzi continua a ridere così la capa indignata continua a darle nuove ordini...Ma finale a sorpresa 

ivy is the new secretary who must replace the first one fired for negligence, but i'll soon get to know elly the colleague who has a vice, is crazy about tickling and immediately taking advantage of the absence of the head took the opportunity to have it do that right away from the newbie refuses, but then gives way not to seem rude, but when they least expect it back here is the head, that being aware of the weakness of elly scolds and punishes her in front of her colleague: orders her to undress and adore my feet, but this does not seem at all offended, indeed continues to laugh so outraged the head continues to give new orders ... But ending surprise 

hd ita 

tickling, foot tickling, foot worship, foot ***********, foot fetish  Dura Punizione Per Lingannatrice
    11 minutes

      Dura Punizione Per Lingannatrice - Ivy prova a vendere un opera d'arte rubata a chloe, la quale avendo scoperto il furto anticipatamente decide di chiamare il proprietario dell'opera per darle una lezione. Dopo averla bloccata comincia una tortura con il solletico per farle confessare tutta la verità

ivy tries to sell an stolen artwork of from chloe, she has discovered the theft in advance decides to name the owner. Now he wants to make a good lesson with a tickle ******* for make ivy confess the whole truth
     Hand Smothering Attack Smother
    10 minutes

      Hand Smothering Attack Smother - Clip req - e storyline is, that you smother seven male victims. Therefore, the seven smotherings look a little bit different each other. But the spectator only sees you, he has the perspective of each ******. Hand smothering attack, only the right hand, approximately two minutes: pressing only the right hand at the mouth of the spectator. You clamp with thumb and forefinger the virtual nostrils together. The form of your hand is different to the first video, see attached picture "hand form handsmother.Jpg". The pov view is different to the first video, your hand is more below. Only a small part of your right hand is to see at the very bottom of the screen. Thumb and forefinger of your right hand have the form to close the nostrils. Six attacks, each attack approximately one minute: the form of your hands is different to the first video, see attached pictures "hand form stranglehold 01.Jpg" and "...02.Jpg". The pov view is different to the first video, your hands are more below, see attached pictures attached is a scene of your video, your hands either are not to see or just a little part at the very bottom of the screen. Your arms are stretched at both sides of the screen. The direction of your arms is towards the neck of the spectator. You look the whole time into the camera. Please two or three attacks with very tight pressure, you shout "ahhhr !", "ohhhhrgggg !" "uaarrrghh !", or similar. Each attack shows a complete , raising the hands, forming into a stranglehold. You attack, your hands disappear at the bottom of the screen. You simulate pressure. After you are sure, that your ****** is eliminated, you remove your hands. Next ******.  My Self Bondage
    9 minutes

      My Self Bondage - I bondage my leg with two ropes and I gagging myself		...
     Barefoot On Public Park
    9 minutes

      Barefoot On Public Park - Oh yes...Today I walk on barefoot on public park situation....	Enjoy !  Flip Flops Sensual Player
    5 minutes

      Flip Flops Sensual Player - Oh yes...Today I enjoy with my flip flops on table ...
     10 Popheart Ballo For My Ass
    15 minutes

      10 Popheart Ballo For My Ass  - Today I pop 10 red heartballon !! With my ass...Oh yes in white panties...		:)  I Hate This Leopard Slippers
    10 minutes

      I Hate This Leopard Slippers - I hate this slippers, it's smelling a lot, it's dirty, and I destroyed with my feet, with my hand and finally with scissors
     Foot Fetish Time
    5 minutes

      Foot Fetish Time - I hypnotize you with my footplay while I listen a fetish song...  Annusa I Miei Piedi Coglione
    7 minutes

      Annusa I Miei Piedi Coglione  - Annusa I miei piedi coglione del cazzo ed esegui tutti I miei ordini....	(Italian language)

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     Balloons For The Party Palloncini Per La Festa
    9 minutes
      Balloons For The Party Palloncini Per La Festa  - Gisy torna a casa e si ricorda che per la sera deve gonfiare dei palloncino per una festa,,,ma è stanca  e col fiato è una gran fatica, si ricorda così di avere una pompa  a pedale per gonfiarli...Sembra tutto più facile ma il punchball diventa davvero enorme fino a scoppiare...E quindi perché non fare così anche con tutti gli altri?  ---  Gisy come home and she remember that for the evening she should blow up a balloon for a party, but she is tired and breathing is a great difficulty, she remembers .. She've a foot pump to inflate the ballons ... It's very easy now ! And the punchballs becomes so great that it burst ... So why not do it with all howled ? :P (only italian language)  The Trasparent Slippers And The Stuffed Pumpkin
    3 minutes
      The Trasparent Slippers And The Stuffed Pumpkin - My transparent slippers, playing with a stuffed pumpkin ^^
     Le Mie Regole Per Te
    10 minutes
      Le Mie Regole Per Te - Sei qui perché pensi di essere un moneyslave...Ma te sai cosa significhi schiavitù finanziaria? Bé, senti idiota, se vuoi qualche istruzione su come deve essere il mio moneyslave questo video fa per te..Il prezzo non è altro un modo per dimostrarmi devozione. Almeno un inizio.		(Only italian language)  Crush Yoghurt Explosion
    3 minutes
      Crush Yoghurt Explosion - Have you ever seen two yeasr of yogurt ? I'll show with these transparent slippers - avete mai visto esplodere due vasetti di yogurt? :P
     Walk In Park With A Cavalli Boots
    5 minutes
      Walk In Park With A Cavalli Boots - I walk in park with a cavalli boots, I slip off and massage my foot - camminando per il parco con gli stivali cavalli  I Touch My Face And My Legs On Front A Mirror
    6 minutes
      I Touch My Face And My Legs On Front A Mirror - I touch my face and my legs on front a mirror

    Welcome to Gisy Italian foot fetish model studio
    Hi I’m a italiam foot fetish model, and Injoyed my work ;) If you want a custom clip write me at You can follow me on my official clips-page s.facebook.compagesGisy-Production597804036915329

    Featuring 73 Clips / 562 minutes of video!

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      Unimpiegata Irriverente An Irreverent Employee

    Unimpiegata Irriverente   An Irreverent   Employee

    0.00029 BTC

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      Dura Punizione Per Lingannatrice

    Dura Punizione Per Lingannatrice

    0.00025 BTC

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      Hand Smothering Attack Smother

    Hand Smothering Attack Smother

    0.00022 BTC

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      My Self Bondage

    My Self Bondage

    0.00017 BTC

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      Barefoot On Public Park

    Barefoot On Public Park

    0.00017 BTC

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      Flip Flops Sensual Player

    Flip Flops Sensual Player

    0.00011 BTC

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      10 Popheart Ballo For My Ass

    10 Popheart Ballo For My Ass

    0.00026 BTC

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      I Hate This Leopard Slippers

    I Hate This Leopard Slippers

    0.00022 BTC

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      Foot Fetish Time

    Foot Fetish Time

    0.00011 BTC

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      Annusa I Miei Piedi Coglione

    Annusa I Miei Piedi Coglione

    0.00034 BTC

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      Ciucciami Il Calzino

    Ciucciami Il Calzino

    0.00026 BTC

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      Balloons For The Party Palloncini Per La Festa

    Balloons For The Party Palloncini Per La Festa

    0.00026 BTC

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      Lick My Dirty Soles Flipflop Man

    Lick My Dirty Soles Flipflop  Man

    0.00022 BTC

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      The Bite Of The Vampire

    The Bite Of The Vampire

    0.00011 BTC

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      I Crush A Watermelon

    I Crush A Watermelon

    0.0001 BTC

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